Many organisations want to use technology to drive efficiency, to see what is really happening in the business or simply to keep up with competition. Large change technology projects are inherently complex and many fail. Wasted investment in such projects can be avoided with independent expert advice and guidance.


Are you really managing the risks facing your organisation?

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Whether you are a Board member or a senior sponsor of a complex project you may not realise the full extent of the risks you are managing. We run a number of risk assessments workshops every year to help:


How do you independently verify your critical project is healthy?

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Having assessed and recovered many projects of all shapes and sizes you can rapidly receive:


How do you know you are choosing the right technology solution?

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Investing in the right software is complicated with a vast array of options presented by highly-motivated sales people. A number of clients benefit from:


How effective are your teams or service providers?

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Performing a large number of team effectiveness reviews each year enables a structured approach in measuring a team's performance.

An optional part of these reviews uses process data mining to help evidence:


How can you make better decisions informed by your data?

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An increasing number of industry leaders understand that poor data quality is hampering their ability to scale or know what is going on operationally.

They also understand that this is a business issue and not an IT problem. Without a well-designed strategy, initiatives in this space tend to focus on data cleansing; often fruitless and rarely delivering any meaningful change.

Direct experience in taking executives through data governance journeys:


How can you run technology projects with confidence?

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Regardless of methodology, all projects are subject to project management triangle constraints (budget, time and scope) and the need to balance the impact each has on quality. Whilst it is important to manage and explain this core element, this triangle and many other common tools (e.g. regular status reporting, robust project plans, accurate forecasting) are the bare minimum a project manager should be bringing to the table. For a project to be truly successful, a project manager should have a rich understanding of the change ahead. They should be able to empathise with users and be prepared to make a similar emotional investment as the rest of the team.


Ollie Barton-Jones has over 20 years' experience in correcting major change programmes, writing software, and delivering great client outcomes.

The bulk of his career was spent in the London and Bermuda reinsurance markets helping executives drive efficiency in a highly regulated, fast-paced and competetive environment.

A specialty in catastrophe modelling helped build a comprehensive understanding of data and risk assisted decision making.

In New Zealand he delivers high quality engagements nationally across a broad range of industries.